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A member registered Dec 26, 2020

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please how do I survive Cyan in the vent

red sus

I managed to beat the game but ithink this game is amazing! Its just so much fun and i was disappointed when I beat the game. :( I don't have any money so i can't get the steam version :(((

This game trrash

Cool Game its not bad Being impostor is fun :)

I redownloaded the game and now its working. I can finally play the game!!! :))))))))))!!!! 0k now for feed back. The game is good. I love how you are able to make the game cool beautiful with just pixels. The controls are ok but it would be good if We could change controls. But the pixel art is impressive. I've only done queenswood(Normal) but I will do Others later. But GG. I can't wait for steam version to realease. 

Im on fulscreen now. But the game display is still Tiny. I don't think i'll ever be able to play the game :(((((((((

(1 edit)

Why am i such a noob at this game?

i feel sad for you.

When the game opens, it  will be at a very tiny size that i cannot see. I try to expand it but the resize button doesn't Work. This make me want to cry because your game looks really cool and i wish i could play it :(